Erin Marie Lynch Poetry Event

Submitted by Charlie Barnett on

The University of Washington American Ethnic Studies Department along with the American Indian, English and Center for American Indian and Indigenous Study Departments are proud to sponsor a poetry reading event this upcoming Monday November 6th at the HUB from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.

Join us as well known author and UW alum of the Creative Writing Program Erin Marie Lynch reads a poem from her new book Removal Acts as free coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Lynch's work has made appearances in several publications including Best New Poets, The New England Review and Narrative.

Erin has also received awards and fellowships from The Indigenous Nations poets, Wurtizer Foundation and National Endowment for the Arts. Registration is not required and the event is free for all AES staff, students and faculty members. We hope to see you there!
