Asian Americans in Seattle use Lunar New Year Traditions as connection to Heritage, Family

Submitted by Chris Carr on
Lunar New Year

* This Seattle Times article was published in January 2023, but was re-posed today. It features several quotes from Connie So. Sharing it as the Lunar New Year in 2024 approaches. *

The Lunar New Year is celebrated across many Asian countries and cultures and their traditions can vary. Among the diverse celebrations, one common thread is due to the rise of anti-Asian violence in recent years, younger generations of Asian Americans have embraced Lunar New Year traditions to reconnect with their culture and families.

“Now they want to find their roots,” said Connie So, an American Ethnic Studies professor at the University of Washington. “They appreciate it a lot more as they’ve gotten older. I see a lot of them do what they can to try to follow traditions.” Connie also adds, "It's continuing something that our ancestors have done for a very long time. It’s showing concern for your ancestors, your parents, coming together with family and just being happy that you’ve made it so far this year."

Read the full article and see what else Connie So had to say, here.
