OCA Greater Seattle - Asian Pacific American Advocates Golden Circle Awards & Lunar New Year Celebration

Submitted by Chris Carr on

On January 27, 2024, the OCA Greater Seattle - Asian Pacific American Advocates hosted an event called the Golden Circle Awards 2024. At this event, the Golden Circle Award was presented to Alan Lau, Bea Kiyohara, Larry Matsuda, and the American Ethnic Studies Department. Additionally, attendees enjoyed a Lunar New Year Celebration with a 10-course dinner!

A recent update, on March 7th, the University of Washington's College of Arts & Sciences published a Fellows, Futurists, & More Awards newsletter mentioning the Department of American Ethnic Studies receiving the Golden Circle Award from the OCA-Greater Seattle Asian Pacific American Advocates. Here is a link to the newsletter.

With the exception of the letter from OCA addressed to AES' very own Dr. Rick Bonus, the photos shown in this news article were taken by Tom Trudnowski. Thank you, Tom, for providing us with photos of the awardees and this event.

