Linh Thủy Nguyễn's Displacing Kinship: The Intimacies of Intergenerational Trauma in Vietnamese American Cultural Production

Submitted by Chris Carr on
Displacing Kinship: The Intimacies of Intergenerational Trauma in Vietnamese American Cultural Production

The Temple University Press announced on their website the forthcoming Spring 2024 release of Linh Thủy Nguyễn's new book, Displacing Kinship: The Intimacies of Intergenerational Trauma in Vietnamese American Cultural Production. The announcement reads Displacing Kinship examines how Vietnamese American cultural productions register lived experiences of racism in their depictions of family life and marginalization.

Second-generation texts illustrate how the children of refugees from Vietnam are haunted by trauma and a violent, ever-present, but mostly unarticulated past. Linh Thủy Nguyễn's analysis reveals that present experiences of economic insecurity and racism also shape these narratives of familial loss.

Read the full article here.

Additionally, Linh's book is mentioned in a blog, North Philly Notes, by Gary Kramer. Read the full blog post here.
