
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Pittman, LaShawnDa. "Grandparents as Caregivers for Grandchildren with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities", in Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities across the Lifespan. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2016. Publications
Pinedo-Turnovsky, Carolyn. Daily Labors: Marketing Identity and Bodies on a New York City Street Corner. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2019. Publications, Books
Linh Thuy Nguyen, Displacing Kinship: The Intimacies of Intergenerational Trauma in Vietnamese American Cultural Production, Temple University Press, Spring 2024 Publications, Books
Lauro Flores. Fulgencio Lazo: Reconstruction of Memory/Reconstrucción de la memoria. Oaxaca, Mexico: Carteles Editores, 2010. Publications, Books
Lauro Flores. Calabash Cousins: Chicano & Latino Artists in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle & London: University of Washington Press. Publications, Books
Lauro Flores. Arturo Artorez: Time & Chance / Tiempo y azar. Seattle: Marquand Books, 2014. Publications, Books
Lauro Flores. Art & Migration: Takeda and His Disciples / Arte y migración: Takeda y sus discípulos, exhibition catalog; Oaxaca, México, Carteles Editores, 2012. Publications
Lauro Flores (Ed.). El Coyote, The Rebel. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2000. Publications, Books
Lauro Flores (Ed.). A Arreguín: Correspondencias. Seattle: Marquand Books, 2015 Publications, Editions  Publications, Books
Dina C. Maramba and Rick Bonus, editors. The “Other” Students: Filipino Americans, Education, and Power. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Jan, 2013. Publications, Books
Bonus, Rick. The Ocean in the School: Pacific Islander Students Transforming Their University. Durham: Duke University Press, 2020. Publications, Books
Alson, W. Robinson, L. Pittman, and K. Doll. (February 25, 2021). “Measures of Systemic Racism into Population Studies of Reproductive Health in the United States: A Narrative Review.” Health Equity. 5 (1): 1-10. Publications
Pittman, L. and D. Oakley. (2018). “It Was Love In All the Buildings They Tore Down”: How Caregiving Grandmothers Create and Experience a Sense of Community in Chicago Public Housing. City & Community. 17(2): 461-484, Publications
Grandmothering While Black: A Twenty-First Century Story of Love, Coercion, and Survival (University of California Press)  Publications, Books
Beyond Aztlán: Mexican & Chicana/o Artists in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle: Marquand Books, 2016. Publications, Books
 Schleitwiler, Vince, Abby Sun, and Rea Tajiri, eds. “Messy, Energetic, Intense: A Roundtable Conversation among New York's Asian American Experimental Filmmakers of the Eighties with Roddy Bogawa, Daryl Chin, Shu Lea Cheang, and Rea Tajiri.” Film Quarterly 73.3 (Spring 2020): 66-78. DOI: 10.1525/fq.2020.73.3.66 Publications, Articles
"Unwatchable Violence: Historical Affects and the Legacy of the Vietnam War in VietnameseAmerican Feminist Film” in Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas,  4:01 (2018) 262-279 Publications, Articles
"The Student's Hand: Industrial Education and Racialized Labor in Early Korean Protestantism," Journal of Korean Studies 25, no. 2 (October 2020): 353-78. Publications, Articles
"The Harlem Renaissance in Translation: Socialism, Nostalgia, and the Multilingual Spaces of Diaspora," American Quarterly 72, no. 3 (September 2021): 597-617. (*Winner of the 2022 Constance M. Rourke Prize from the American Studies Association) Publications, Articles
"The Growing Human Rights Crisis Along the Northern Border", Co-author on joint publication with OneAmerica and the UW Center for Human Rights, April 17, 2012, Publications
"Ŏmma's Baby, Appa's Maybe: Black Amerasian Children and the Layers of Diaspora," in The Routledge Companion to Korean Literature, ed. Heekyoung Cho (New York: Routledge, 2022), 385-98. Publications, Articles
"Langston Hughes's Short Fiction in 1930s Korea," in Langston Hughes in Context, ed. Vera Kutzinski and Anthony Reed (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 232-42. Publications, Articles
"Josephine Baker Meets a Korean Housewife: Narrative Cartoons, Women's Labor, and the Circulation of Modern Fetish," Literature Compass 13, no. 5 (May 2016): 311-23. Publications, Articles
"Beyond Afro-Orientalism: Langston Hughes, Koreans, and the Poetics of Overlapping Dispossessions," Comparative Literature 69, no. 2 (June 2017): 201-21. Publications, Articles